;__im oways the starr. shinin on you on ur darkest nites. * __________________ // cindee *

the spaces btwn my fingers__;
are meant to be filled__;
by you__.

<<cindee__. >>
1b.o2 | 2b.o3 | 3i.o4
37th batch guides
P4 bougainvillea
P6 ixora
2b ohana
we [1] to [B] the best
born [2][b]eat the rest
ohana means family.
and noone gets forgotten.
nor left behind.

kisses spread harmful germs__;
but kiss me babyy__;
im vaccinated__.

<<me__. >>
purple ojo__;
soccer__; manutd__;
beckham 23__; lampard 8__;
street magic__; david blaine__;
youu and cindee forevrr__;
till end of time__;

<<blogs galore__. >>


anione cn catch ur eyes__;
but it takes sumone special to catch ur heart__.
lurv isnt abt findin the perfectt psrn__;
its abt seein an imperfect psrn__;
lurvin sumone is one thg__;
being lurved by anothr psrn is anothr thg__;
but to be lurved by the one u lurv is everythin__.
wad if everythin u experienced__;
nvr happened__.

i lurv you cause u suck__;
and attracted me to you__;
i lurv u cause i cant haf youu__.
on a nvr endin road__;
and we're miles apart__;
i'll chase__.
lurv is whn__;
you shed tears but care for him__;
he ignores you and you stil long for him__;
he begins to lurv anothr__;
but you stil smile and say__;
"im hapi for youu__.

NoTe: 2b rOcK dE wORLd! (hide)
i lurv 2b like madd.

[[. 20040711 .]]


[[ * - - 2B'o4 - - * ]] _______________________________________________________________________________

<. f U g L Y . s L U T s o L O g Y .>

"wHy tHe hEll diD tHoSe sCreAmS jUs cAme oUt oF mY moUtH?"

hApi sTuFfs cUm fiRsT.
fOr oUr pAtroL gAmEs. oKayy i tHiNk wE diD sUpErlY wEll thoU jAsmiNe woN. wE wErE boNDeD aS oNe. tAkiNg cAre oF oNe aNoThEr.. wE wErE greAt aNd i wAs sAtiSfieD. lOoKiN reAllY foRwArD tO sPeNdiNg sUmMoRe tYm wiTh tHe iXorAiaNs.. i thInK. wE kiCk aSs. sO glAd thAt wE cUd sUmdAY aCcePt eACh oThEr.. niCe oNe. iXorAiaNs sHiNe--*

wEiRd fEeLiNg.. cUz oF A woRd vOmiT. riTe nW iM jUs lOoKiNg fOr tHe coUrAge.. erAse thAt U frM uR foNe..

tHe aBv soUnDed mOre oF sAd tHn hApi. doTs oFf~

sAd tHgS hAf tO hApPeN.
sCh iS sUcH aN iroNiC plAce wiTh iroNiC sTUdEnTs. niCe oNe hUiYi.
nO fUtHer coMmeNtS. iNcAse PpL hAf sUm miSuNdErsTaNdiNgs. liKe aS iF wE aRe iNtEreStEd iN U.
sHermAiNe wAnTeD thiS tO bE oN hEr niCk: i lUv U **! pLs mArrY mE!
liKe PUKE. i wAs dAMn diSgUsTeD aNd i piTiEd **2 fOr beInG sUcH a bLiNd fOoL. aNd **2 sAyS ** iS nT a biMbO cUz ** dOeSnT hAf biG bOoBs.
thAt mAde mE lUff mY heAd oFF. niCe oNe **2.
i thInk i goNnA hAf aNoThEr wOrD voMiT.. argH STOP iT ciNdY!

aNd wE hAd eValUatioN fOr gAmeS. gD jUniOrs bUt nT gD seNiOrS. i totAlli agreE. i fiNd iT sO mUcH eAsiEr tO bE a gD jUniOr thAn A gD sEniOr. aS a jUniOr U oNli niD tO trY uR beSt aNd dO wAd Ur sEniORs wAn U tO dO.. bUt bEiNg A gD sEniOr. nT oNli mUs U nOe wAd tO dO. U mUS eNsUre thAt uR jUniOr nOes wAd tO dO. tTs tErribLy bAd. cUz oUr sEc 1s. oKayy sUm lAr. aTtitUdE. yeA~ nW i hAf loTsA sCrATCheS oN mY pOoR kNeEs aNd hAnDs.. mUsCleS hUrTs! bUt thInKin oF iT.. tHe sEc 3s cUDnT bE mOre riTe. wE hAf tHe rEspOnsiBilItY oF leTtIn gUiDeS reMAiN iTs sTaNdaRd.. lEtS aLL jiAyoU tOgeThEr.. aNd rELi thAnk tHe sEc 3s fOr giFin uS tHiS eValUatIoN.. wOkE mE uP sUmhW.. abIT rEmoRsEd aNd coNfUsEd..

A qUiZ i gT fRm jeReNe.. =)

10 Years Ago, I...
1. cAnT rmB aNiThiN mUcH sEriOuSlY.
2. hAd a vEh gD freN aNd wE wEre liKe eAcH oThErs sHAdoW. oNe siCk tHe oThEr dUnwAn gO sCh liAo.. loLz~
3. thInk i wAs dAmN iNnOceNt aNd cUtE?
4. hATe tHe greEn beAn sOUp mY tChEr owAys cOoK aNd i owAyS nV driNk..

7 Years Ago, I...
1. wAs iN mTs. jAn pT aNd mE wEre liKe mOniTrEsSeS? loLx.. wE sUPeR gD freNs dEr~
2. hElD hAnDs wiTh mY boY pArTnEr aNd tOT hE wAs cUtE. oMg! i M sTiL hAtiNg mYsElf fOr iT.
3. hAd miSs oNg As mY tChEr. aNd sHe wAs totAlli greAt!
4. hAd A plAy oN sTagE.. tHeN i wAs sLpiN beAutY. wUahAhAs lAmE..
5. yAoliAng kePt toUchiNg tHe girLs eArriNgS! eWww~ =X
6. hAd sUPEr loNg hAir dOwN mY wAisT..

6 Years Ago, I...
1. hAd mDm liM As tChEr. agrEeD tO mEeT hEr iN yR 2oo8 wiTh aLL mY 2B'98 clAssmAtEs.
2. fEll iN lUv wiTh seAn. bUt iT wAs jUS oNe-siDed dEr lArS..
3. kePt lUffiNg oNce seAn lUffEd wHn siNgiN nATioNaL aNthUm.
4. beSt rEsUlT oF 285/300. loLs miSsioN iMmpOsSibLe nW..

5 Years Ago, I...
1. seAn trAnsfErrEd sCh. fEll iN lUv wiTh chOnGliK. thAt wAs liKe mY firSt tRue lUv. aNd i reLi DiD lUv hiM aloT..
2. mS lEe foUnd choNgliK'S wAlleT wiTh mY sTuFf iNsiDe aNd i gT soRt oF cOuNsElleD. hAhAx.
3. kNeW pUrE lUv wAs greAt.
4. lUv cL.
5. lUv cL.
6. lUv cL.
7. ...

6 Years Ago, I...
1. sTiL lUveD choNgliK..
2. bEcAme pRefeCt aNd iNchArgE oF clAss 4A.. v fiErCe. cN sAy fErociOuS..
3. wEnT fOr A cRuIse wiTh pRefEcTs. cL wEnT tOo.. v sWeEt aNd nW i thiNk iT wAS fArnI aNd kiNdA dUmB..

3 Years Ago, I...
1. sTiL lUvEd choNgliK! oMg sUpEr fArNi.
2. wAs aSsT heAd pRefeCt aNd tHe beSt tHg wAs. cL wAs heAd pReFeCt?
3. wE diD oUr rEcEsS dUtY tOgeThEr.. wiTh ziLe aNd rAcheAl tO trAiN tHeM lArS.. loLz.. wE owAYs wEnT liFe sCieNcE lAb tO wAtEr tHe mUsHrOoMs aNd tO slAcK. v niCe mEmoRieS..
4. cL aNd mE alTeRnAteD wKs tO sAy tHe plEdgE.. i wAS veH nErvoUs sAyiN tHe pLeDgE iNfroNt oF tHe wHOle sCh..
5. plAyEd aS jUlieT aNd cL wAs rOmEo. oMg oMg.. hAhaZ iN tHe eNd wE heLd HaNds aNd rAn oFf. i cAnT sEeM tO fOrgET thAt moMeNt.
6. wEnT tO sEntOsA wiTh prEfeCts. aNd cL. loLz. -.-
6. wAs iN eM1 aNd yAoliAng wAS owAyS 1sT aNd mE 2Nd.. bleAhh.
7. mAthS rAwK cUz i owAyS gT neAr fUll mArKs. aNd nW mY mAth iS suM sHiT..

2 Years Ago, I...
1. sTaRtEd igOriNg cL. aNd tHeN eVeRytHiN wAS hiStoRy..
2. aCtUaLLy liKeD 3 gUyS oNe aFt aNoThEr. tC qT aNd hH.. tC wAs oNe pSrN i sEcreTlY liKeD owAyS. bUt wE diN wOrK oUt.. qT wAs fOr A sHoRt 3 mThS. wE pAss mSgeS tO eAcH oThEr liKe siAo iN clAss.. aNd wHn i hAd nOmoRe fEeLiNgS fOr hiM. i tHrEw awAy mOrE thAn A hUndreD leTtErs aT oNe gO. hE wAs greAt bUt tOo greAt.. i diN liKe thAt.. tHeN aS fOr Hh.. siTtIn wiTh hiM broUgHt uS tOgeThEr. aT oNe pT oF tYm i hAtEd hiM liKe crAZi. bUt wHn hE wEnT bAcK tO _____.. i diD tHe sWeEtS tHgY fOr hiM.. aNd miSsEd hiM aloT ALoT.. bUt iN sEc 1.. iT wAS oVeR tOo..
3. mUm sAw mY lEtTeRs. aNd i dEniEd.. x)
4. nAtiOnaL dAy pErfoRmAnCe wAs tHe besT. 6B wAS sO uNiTeD aNd sEh! pAiNtEd oUr fAcEs aNd rAwK tHe sChoOl.
5. gT 263 fOr pSLe. hAhaXx aMaZiNg!
6. oUr cAmP wAs greAt. fOreVeR cryIng. eSp dUriNg cAmpfiRe nItE.. aNd PpL coNfEsSeD fEeLiNgS fOr oNe aNoThEr.
7. oN grAdUatiOn dAy diD a pErfoRmANce whiCh wE trAiNeD sUpEr loNg fOr.. iT wAs greAt. wE diD wEll.
8. cRiEd liKe mAd wHn leAviNg mTs. aNd gT siCk tHe dAy aFt..

A Year Ago, I...
1. rEjeCtEd goIng nYgS aNd cAmE tO dHs wiTh tHe sUcKieSt dM.
2. gT iN gUiDeS. p4 boUgAiNviLLeA. tOt liFe wAs hEll iN tHErE aS iT wAs sUpEr toUgH. bUt aS tHe dAys gO bY.. p4 boNdEd toGetHer aNd i kNeW i hAd tO giF iN mY beSt fOr tHe sAke oF p4. aNd bEgAn eNjoYiNg gUidEs tO tHe mAx! lUv pT aNd eVeRytHiN nO mAtTeR toUgH oR wAd.
3. 2b rAwK hEll tYm. wE wEre sO bOndEd. sO uNiTeD! greAt! hAd a yElloW clAss tEe. tHe firSt clAss iN dHs sEc1s'03 tO mAke clAss tEe. yAys~
4. gT iNtO troUbLe tWiCe iN tHe dAy wiTh kiW. mAde 3 cArS cRaSh. =X
5. WeNt aiLyN hSe aT 3+ tO pRepAre fOoD fOr tChErs dAy. LOL crAzi bAh? wE mAde tHE nIcEeSt bAnnEr eVeR. aNd wE hAd a cOoL clAss iDentitY. firSt clAss iN dHs sEc1s'03 tO mAke BaNnEr. aNd cLAsS idEnTitY. yAys~ gAf mRs kAng A sTaR brOoCh. oUr clAss tEe aNd clAsS iDentItY.
6. fOreVer plAyiN cApbY. cbAll plUs ruBgY. roUgH aNd owAyS gT iNjUreD. =) gT 2Nd fOr cbAll. aNd oUr gUyS gT 4tH fOr sOcCeR. wE piAeD liKe hEll iNjUriEs coUntlEsS. nT tO meNtioN ivAn frActUrEd wRiSt aNd brAndoN hiS aRm. wEnT kFc tO cElebrAtE viCtoRy aNd tT rAwK. fElT liKe a hApi fAmiLy! =D
7. chAleT wiTh aloT oF ghoStlY sTuFf. wAtCheD liKe 5 hOrroR fiLms aNd 2A sCaReD tHe hEll oUttA uS bY hAngiN otAh iN A blAck bAg oUtsiDe oUR dOoR. =O
8. bbQ niTe rAiNeD. arGh. i wAs tHe bUtTeR gAl aNd wE cArriEd oN bBqiNg uNdEr uMbreLLeAs wiTh mS tAn aNd llS. =)
9. diStUrBeD yS'S bAtHe bY sCreAmiNg.. loLz. aNd iN tHe eNd hE diN bAtHe. yAnwEn aNd cO. tRiEd tO sCAre ailYn shArA hUiYi yS aNd mE. loLz. sHe diSgUiSeD aS sAdAkO aNd yS wEntA oPeN dOoR. hAhA.
10. 6 oF uS wEnT eScApE aNd iT wAs reAli gD! rMb tHe cAndY flOsS.. hAhaX. pX diN tRy moSt oF tHe riDeS thoU. -.- eNjoYeD tO tHe mAx aNd iT wAS oNe oF tHe bEST dAyS eVeR.
11. sUcKeD iN sTuDieS wiTh a jUs pAsSeD jApaNeSe..

This Year, I...
1. wAs qM iN p4. lUvEd eVeRy siNgLe pSrN iN p4 liKe iT wAs mY liFe. aNd tHe woRsT nEwS cAme wHn wE hAd tO bE sEpArAtEd. gT iNtO p6 iXorA wiTh elAiNe aNd miCeLLe. cUrreNtlY iS 1sT aiDeR.. __p4sPirIt4eVabUrniNg__; // iXorAiaNs.shiNe - - *
2. quiT jAp aNd sTudiEs iMproVeD oBvioUslY. bUt sTiL nT gD laRs. X(
3. hAd A qUarreL wiTh eVerYoNe oVer nTh. iT wAs sLoVeD bUt i wAS sO iNnoCenT!
4. cAnT BE mOre hApi wHn 2b woN 2Nd fOr yoUtH dAy cHeEr! eVeRyoNe wAs glAD aNd wEnT crAzI!
5. mArCheD fOr sYf. hAd A sUpEr niCe oVeRaLL mDm. mRs AlsAglOFf. aNd nICe mDms aNd siRs. bOb aLL tHe wAy!
6. wEnT beAch wiTh 2b fOr 2 tyMs. beSt dAys eVeR! hAd a niCe brAwL tHroWiNg eVeryoNe iNtO tHe seA..
7. wEnt beAch tO bbQ witH gUiDeS. rOllErblAdiNg rAwK big tYm! gUiDeS fOreVeR oNe fOR aLL aNd aLl foR oNe.
. xPeCt 2B tO rAwK hEll dUriN tCheRs dAy aNd aLL tHe oThEr gAthEriNgs aNd pArTieS aNd oUtiNgs.
7. coNfiRm crY tO mY deAtH iF aNi oF uS gT sEpArAtEd dUriN sTreAmiNg.

cUz U brG oUt tHe beSt iN mE liKe nOoNe eLse cN dO. tTs wHy iM bY uR siDe. aNd tTs wHY i lUv U--*

TodaE waS a fOoTdriLL daY~ i kNeW iT bUt teLL mE hW? i dUn wAnNa rEgreT 10 yRs dOwN tHe rD U nOe..

^rEfLeCtiNg^ { i wAs wOrriEd. i jUs hAd tO bE neAr U eVeRy dAY aNd eVeRY niTe.. }

i reALiseD i lUv U
aNd i reAliSeD i hAf nO coUrAge tO TeLL U.
wE wAsTeD tHe beSt chAnCe eVeR..
wHn wiLL goD eVeR giF Us aNoThEr chAnCe?

;__sum ppl wait a lifetym.
for a moment lyk thiss.*

itsmaiilyfee__; maiiprerogative__.

// im oways the starr. shinin on you on ur darkest nites. *
* . . + + + + + + . ciNDee . + + + + + + . . *

my pastt__.

25.01.04 .. 27.01.04 .. 28.01.04 .. 29.01.04 .. 30.01.04 .. 31.01.04 .. 01.02.04 .. 13.02.04 .. 14.02.04 .. 17.02.04 .. 18.02.04 .. 19.02.04 .. 20.02.04 .. 21.02.04 .. 24.02.04 .. 25.02.04 .. 26.02.04 .. 28.02.04 .. 04.03.04 .. 07.03.04 .. 08.03.04 .. 14.03.04 .. 19.03.04 .. 28.03.04 .. 03.04.04 .. 14.04.04 .. 17.04.04 .. 22.04.04 .. 23.04.04 .. 24.04.04 .. 26.04.04 .. 27.04.04 .. 30.04.04 .. 01.05.04 .. 02.05.04 .. 03.05.04 .. 04.05.04 .. 05.05.04 .. 07.05.04 .. 10.05.04 .. 15.05.04 .. 23.05.04 .. 30.05.04 .. 31.05.04 .. 05.06.04 .. 09.06.04 .. 14.06.04 .. 18.06.04 .. 26.06.04 .. 01.07.04 .. 04.07.04 .. 11.07.04 .. 21.07.04 .. 25.07.04 .. 07.08.04 .. 15.08.04 .. 21.08.04 .. 26.09.04 .. 03.10.04 .. 08.10.04 .. 11.10.04 .. 16.10.04 .. 23.10.04 .. 24.10.04 .. 09.11.04 .. 10.11.04 .. 11.11.04 .. 15.11.04 .. 16.11.04 .. 17.11.04 .. 18.11.04 .. 04.12.04 .. 07.12.04 .. 11.12.04 .. 27.12.04 .. oLd.bLog ..

in the game of seduction. deres onli one rule. nvr fall in love. wad u cant haf. u cant resist_____* wud you be my moon. brgin light to ppl like you brg happiness to me?_____* the shortest word for me is 1. the sweetest word for me is love. the onli one for me is youu.____*