;__im oways the starr. shinin on you on ur darkest nites. * __________________ // cindee *

the spaces btwn my fingers__;
are meant to be filled__;
by you__.

<<cindee__. >>
1b.o2 | 2b.o3 | 3i.o4
37th batch guides
P4 bougainvillea
P6 ixora
2b ohana
we [1] to [B] the best
born [2][b]eat the rest
ohana means family.
and noone gets forgotten.
nor left behind.

kisses spread harmful germs__;
but kiss me babyy__;
im vaccinated__.

<<me__. >>
purple ojo__;
soccer__; manutd__;
beckham 23__; lampard 8__;
street magic__; david blaine__;
youu and cindee forevrr__;
till end of time__;

<<blogs galore__. >>


anione cn catch ur eyes__;
but it takes sumone special to catch ur heart__.
lurv isnt abt findin the perfectt psrn__;
its abt seein an imperfect psrn__;
lurvin sumone is one thg__;
being lurved by anothr psrn is anothr thg__;
but to be lurved by the one u lurv is everythin__.
wad if everythin u experienced__;
nvr happened__.

i lurv you cause u suck__;
and attracted me to you__;
i lurv u cause i cant haf youu__.
on a nvr endin road__;
and we're miles apart__;
i'll chase__.
lurv is whn__;
you shed tears but care for him__;
he ignores you and you stil long for him__;
he begins to lurv anothr__;
but you stil smile and say__;
"im hapi for youu__.

NoTe: 2b rOcK dE wORLd! (hide)
i lurv 2b like madd.

[[. 20040217 .]]


[[ * - - 2B'o4 - - * ]] _______________________________________________________________________________

<. d A R k o L O g Y .>

"KiPiNg mE iN dE dArK"

hAix.. sAddEniNg~ oK MaYb i WaS iN tHe wRoNg sUmhOw? BuddEn U CaNt SaY U wErE nT aT FaULt aT aLL oSo RiTe? xPeCt mE tO aPoLogiSe To U iZziT? dUn tAke tHgS fOr gRaNtEd BuddY.. aIYa CraP La!! Y wE LYk sO PeTtY dE? LaSt tYm wE'LL jOkE iT oFf. nW wE wiLL sTaRt a FigHt oVeR iT.. wAddE hEll. lEt bYgOnEs bY BYgoNeS? Ya Ya Ya~

TodaE sCi LaB lEsSoN DaMn FaRni. wE wERe KiNda LaTe LaRh. tHeN e.T waS cOmPLaIniNg~ sHe sAid: iF U aLL wE CaTcHiNg a PLaNe wiLL U aLL bE LaTe? dEn dAv sAid ThaT hE fELL aLsLP aNd wAs rELi lATe bfR. LoLx. thEn e.T SaW hIm mUmBLiNg.. aNd aSk mE wAd hE SaiD. i oBviOUslY sAY dUnNo La! i sHUd HaF sAid hE wAs rEciTiNg dE biBLe To mE RiTe? uH hUh~ dEn wE dOInG thE UniVeRsAL iNdicAtOr TeSt.. NrT mUcH cOloUr cHaNgE.. sO wE aDd aNd adD. wAs gEtTiNg TiRed aNd daV JuS PoUREd iT iN. aLoT aLOt.. iT tUrNed DaRk dArK PuRpLe LiaOx~ LoLx! aNd mY BlUr rOsE So NicE lOR.. aDd dE iNdiCaToR thEn iT tUrNed iNtO nIcE NicE cOLoUrS.. sO NicEz! aCtUaLLy i cAnT rMb wAd hApPeN dUrInG sCiEnCe lEhX.. jUs tHaT vEh FaRNi LoR! wAhaHahAx~!!

LiT KiNda sUcK. HoPe i dUn FLUnK iT? hOpE wAd i wRoTe wAsNt TotALLi cRaP aNd nRt oUt-oF-pT BaHz.. aT lEaSt nRt All. YePs~

pW daMmIt fUn LORh! mS.sAndY kOh wAs tHiNkiNg wiF uS oUr corE vALuEs.. cUz mY cOmPaNi iS wEiRd~ aNd sHe sAid oUr CoMPaNy rELi daMN wEiRd! YaYs~ tHaTs oUr mOTivE maH. aTtRaCt cOnsUmErs' AtTeNtiOn! wOoHoO~!! pW rAwKs Lo.. daMn fUn aNd rELaXiNg. fUn FuN FUn! YaYyAyYaY.

wEnT BUgIS aFt thaT foR a sHoRt wHIlE wiF sHeRm aNd eRiCa.. bOugHt sUm sTuFf aNd sO fUn LoRh. hEhEx.. WeIrD rOcK~! +.+"

cAn PpL sToP PisSiNg mE oFf AnI fUtHeR? i'Ve gT eNUff oF diS cRaP!

TodaE waS a ... daE~ sPeEChLeSs. DiSaPpOiNtEd.. gEt LoST BaH.

fOr tHe daE { TrUsT NoOnE xCePt uRsELf? thiNk bEfoRe U eVEn tRUsT UrSeLf. }

iF^U^sAid^wAd^U^diD^wAs^foR^mY^oWn^gOod.. dUn^eVa^iNvAdE^iNtO^mY^LifE^AgN.

;__sum ppl wait a lifetym.
for a moment lyk thiss.*

itsmaiilyfee__; maiiprerogative__.

// im oways the starr. shinin on you on ur darkest nites. *
* . . + + + + + + . ciNDee . + + + + + + . . *

my pastt__.

25.01.04 .. 27.01.04 .. 28.01.04 .. 29.01.04 .. 30.01.04 .. 31.01.04 .. 01.02.04 .. 13.02.04 .. 14.02.04 .. 17.02.04 .. 18.02.04 .. 19.02.04 .. 20.02.04 .. 21.02.04 .. 24.02.04 .. 25.02.04 .. 26.02.04 .. 28.02.04 .. 04.03.04 .. 07.03.04 .. 08.03.04 .. 14.03.04 .. 19.03.04 .. 28.03.04 .. 03.04.04 .. 14.04.04 .. 17.04.04 .. 22.04.04 .. 23.04.04 .. 24.04.04 .. 26.04.04 .. 27.04.04 .. 30.04.04 .. 01.05.04 .. 02.05.04 .. 03.05.04 .. 04.05.04 .. 05.05.04 .. 07.05.04 .. 10.05.04 .. 15.05.04 .. 23.05.04 .. 30.05.04 .. 31.05.04 .. 05.06.04 .. 09.06.04 .. 14.06.04 .. 18.06.04 .. 26.06.04 .. 01.07.04 .. 04.07.04 .. 11.07.04 .. 21.07.04 .. 25.07.04 .. 07.08.04 .. 15.08.04 .. 21.08.04 .. 26.09.04 .. 03.10.04 .. 08.10.04 .. 11.10.04 .. 16.10.04 .. 23.10.04 .. 24.10.04 .. 09.11.04 .. 10.11.04 .. 11.11.04 .. 15.11.04 .. 16.11.04 .. 17.11.04 .. 18.11.04 .. 04.12.04 .. 07.12.04 .. 11.12.04 .. 27.12.04 .. oLd.bLog ..

in the game of seduction. deres onli one rule. nvr fall in love. wad u cant haf. u cant resist_____* wud you be my moon. brgin light to ppl like you brg happiness to me?_____* the shortest word for me is 1. the sweetest word for me is love. the onli one for me is youu.____*