;__im oways the starr. shinin on you on ur darkest nites. * __________________ // cindee *

the spaces btwn my fingers__;
are meant to be filled__;
by you__.

<<cindee__. >>
1b.o2 | 2b.o3 | 3i.o4
37th batch guides
P4 bougainvillea
P6 ixora
2b ohana
we [1] to [B] the best
born [2][b]eat the rest
ohana means family.
and noone gets forgotten.
nor left behind.

kisses spread harmful germs__;
but kiss me babyy__;
im vaccinated__.

<<me__. >>
purple ojo__;
soccer__; manutd__;
beckham 23__; lampard 8__;
street magic__; david blaine__;
youu and cindee forevrr__;
till end of time__;

<<blogs galore__. >>


anione cn catch ur eyes__;
but it takes sumone special to catch ur heart__.
lurv isnt abt findin the perfectt psrn__;
its abt seein an imperfect psrn__;
lurvin sumone is one thg__;
being lurved by anothr psrn is anothr thg__;
but to be lurved by the one u lurv is everythin__.
wad if everythin u experienced__;
nvr happened__.

i lurv you cause u suck__;
and attracted me to you__;
i lurv u cause i cant haf youu__.
on a nvr endin road__;
and we're miles apart__;
i'll chase__.
lurv is whn__;
you shed tears but care for him__;
he ignores you and you stil long for him__;
he begins to lurv anothr__;
but you stil smile and say__;
"im hapi for youu__.

NoTe: 2b rOcK dE wORLd! (hide)
i lurv 2b like madd.

[[. 20040725 .]]


[[ * - - 2B'o4 - - * ]] _______________________________________________________________________________

peAcE mAn. thANks cElesT fOr grAnTiNg coPYriTe.
What Would You Do If Someone Called You A bastard?
tHiNk tHaT psRn cOcK eYe. iMa biTcH kS?
trocuted Yourself?
iTs a eVerYdAY aFfaiR.
u Think People Get Really Boring?
yA aNimAls aRe bEttEr. aT leAsT tHeY sTiCk tHeiR toNgUes oUt aNd liCk U.
Know Anybody With Purple Hair?
nT cUrreNtlY bUt fAngmiNg shAll bE 1sT..
Are Clouds Really Marshmallows?
tHeN i'LL sEll mArsHmAlloWs iN tHe fUtUre. tHeY'rE coSt fRee aNd i gEt tHe pRofiT.
Why Are Oranges Orange?
i oRiginAted oRanGes aNd tHeiR coloUr.
i aM ciNdY tHe greAt orAngE iNveNtoR! wUahAhAhAs.
Have you ever smell the rain?
yePs.. tHeY smeLL liKe pOo aNd tAsTe liKe pOo. wAnnA trY?
Have you ever had sumone frm ur past appear?
yeAh. iT wAs a woNdErfUl xPerieNce..
Have you ever felt that someone was more beautiful because of their flaws?
 YeP. nTh iS pErfecT. sUmOne wiTh cUte flAws aRe pRefErreD.
Have you ever cried because you felt good?
yeAh! wHn 2b woN tHe yoUtH dAY cHeer. heAveNLy.
Have you ever seen the sky at night when the clouds look like flowers?
yA.. eSp wHn iTs kindA rEd rEd kiNd. iTs sO pRetTy mAns!
Have you ever seen a grown man cry?
 rOnAldsO. sUm gAy lYk cReAtUre thAt cRieS oUt fOr a mOm'S hUg. gAY siA.
Have you ever needed to be held?
haHs. nOniD. i hAf iT wHn i niD iT. =Xx
Have you ever needed to be cuddled?
 i HAf iT wHn i niD iT tOo. =Xx
Have you ever been alone?
nO.. i hAf mY shAdoW aS coMpAnY.. mUaCks~
Have you ever been splashed in puddles?
nO.. bUt i bAthe iN tHeM bFr thoU..
Have you ever known what it was like to love and be loved in return? 
heEs~ i lUrV U aNd U lUrV mE toO.. 
Have you ever had a crush?
i hAf a crUsH oN U.. a crUsH oN U..
Have you ever known how good something was?
yeAh. wE're boTh gD. =Xx 
Have you ever not know how good it was until it's gone?
yA. wHy dO wE hAftA loSe iT bFr nOeiN hW gD iZziT? freAk. 
Have you ever tried to write poetry but ended up throwing it away?
nAh. i owAys rOcK aT iT. 
Have you ever experienced true happiness?:
yeS dEfiNaTeLy heaVeNLy.
Have you ever given a love letter?
 hAhs. dUn rEmiNd mE oF kIddY chILdhOod meMoRies~
Have you ever just do things on impulse?
jUs. oNe niTe fliNg? =Xx hAhs~
Have you ever wanted to just run?
yeAh. awAY frM eVerYtHin.. tHe wUrL tHe UNiversE.. 
Have you ever needed to get away?
dUh? wHn i breAk rUles? eVerYdAy aFfaiR agN.
Have you ever lost a love?
yeAh. aNd i wAn iT baCk.. sAdLy.. tOo lAte.
Have you ever tried to tell someone something but the words wouldn't come out?
nO. i jUs sAy heY i thiNk iM iN lUrV wiTh U..
oR heY iM sOrI? 
Do you often cry in front of people or alone?
boTh. aNiwHr aNitYm aNibodY aNitHiN. iMa crYbAbY. soBsS..
Have your friends ever seen you cry?
hAhaS dUh. freNs sHd bE dEre fOr U wHn U sHeD tHosE teArs~
Have you cried today?
nO.. iMa hApI gUr todAe!
Do you usually cry for a long time?
yeSh. pRi sCh grAdUatiOn crY frM moRn tiLl niTe. nxT dAy wAs siCkk. loLx~ 
Do you get really red when you cry:
yeS. vEh rEd. aNd gT pOp oUt fEeLiNg sUmmOre. XP
Have you ever cried because you were happy?
yAh. teArs oF joY wHn 2b aRe boNdeD tOgeTher~
Have you ever been someone's crying shoulder?
yAh. dI aNd i cRiEd aNd hUggeD~
Have you ever hugged someone because they were crying?
yAh. dI aNd i cRiEd aNd hUggeD~
Have you ever had a shoulder to cry on?
yAh. dI aNd i cRiEd aNd hUggeD~
Have you been hugged when you cried?
yAh. dI aNd i cRiEd aNd hUggeD~
Do you cry during movies?
yeSh. fRm hOrroR tO cOmeDieS tO aCtiOn tO lOveY doVeY oNes. iMa crYbAbY!
Do you cry while reading books?
yeSh. a wAlK tO rmB wAs sO pItifUllY sAd! sObx!
Does music make you cry?
yEs. cRy aNd sAy iT iSnT sO sAng dUriN pAssiN doWn. cRiEd tHrUoUt.
Have you ever been called a cry baby?
yAh. bY mE mYsElf aNd sUm eViL pigS.. xP
Have you ever tried to stop yourself from crying?
yeAh wHn i cRy oVeR mY mOm oR dAd sCoLdiNgs. totAllY dUmB.
Does this survey make you want to cry?
yeAh. i jUs cUt mY lEg. x'(
Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?
eRm sO gAY tO crY.. iM gAy. 
Do you cry when you are physically hurt?
thInk oNce oNli. wHn i fElT fRm tHe moNkeY bAr aNd frActUrEd mY ArM. bleAh~
Do you cry when you are scared?
sCaRed oF loSiNg sMtH thAt iS.. meNtAllY nT pHysIcAllY.
Do you cry when you are mad?
yeAh totAlli fRUstrAtiNg wHn iM tElliNg thE trUtH aNd nOoNe bEliEf. freAkk.
Do you cry over bad grades?
doUbT i eVa diD.
Have you ever cried over spilled milk?
nO.. sPiLL bEttEr. nOniD driNk. i hAte miLk!
Can you make yourself cry?
hAhAs giMmE a miN.
When was the last time you cried?
eRm pAsSiNg doWn. rElli sUpEr dUpErlY chAoOoo sAd. x( 
Have you ever cried because you were sad for someone else? yEps. rMb wHn sHaNd'S fReN.. i cRiEd lYk mAd wiTh HeR..
Do you have a favorite crying quote?
iTs nT worTh cRyIng fOr sUmoNe nT woRtH uR teArs.
aNd tHe oNe U lUrV wUn mAke U cRy~
Have you ever cried for anyone who wouldn't cry for you?
yeAh. mY teArs lYk flOw veH fAsT cNt coNtrOl lEh hW? 
Do you ever cry on anniversaries of things?
sAd bUd iTs tOo gAy tO crY.
Do you cry over someone you love becoz they have a gf/bf?
eRm nOpe..
When was the last time u felt love and u cried?
cNt rMb.. wHn i fElT lUrVeD i dUn rElli cRy? 
Who is the person you always cry for?
2b aNd gUiDes aNd..
iM dEvoTeD.

;__sum ppl wait a lifetym.
for a moment lyk thiss.*

itsmaiilyfee__; maiiprerogative__.

// im oways the starr. shinin on you on ur darkest nites. *
* . . + + + + + + . ciNDee . + + + + + + . . *


[[ * - - 2B'o4 - - * ]] _______________________________________________________________________________

eVerYoNe iS lUrViNg PpL tiLL pigS cN flY..
aS dEiR niCk sUpPoSe.
iM A niAoEr. thE fAct iS thAt pIgS cAnT flY.
fOr Eg. mY niCk iS "i lUrV U tiLL pigS cN flY."
piGs cAnT flY. i dUn lUrV U. yAy peAce.
hAhAs nO oFfeNcE iM jUs bEiNg niAoeY.. >.<
oN tHUrsdAY wHeE foUNd oUt aBt tHe "mS wHeE sUcKs"
wriTTeN aT tHe bAcK oF oUr clAsS. =X
dUnNoe hU dO dEr lAr.. nOe oSo nT sUrE.
cuZ thAt psrN iS kiNdA.. eiThEr a prO aCtoR/aCtrEss.
oR hE/sHe diDnT dO iT.
i'LL mAke sUrE nT tO reveAl hiS/hEr sEx oSo..
sO gUeSs nOoNe wiLL aDmiT?
aNd wHeE aSkeD clAss coMmiTtee tO fiNd oUt.. pOoR tHeM~
aNd wHiLe sHe feNds hEr aNgEr oN uS. pOoR Us~
cN thAt blArdY aSshOLe jUs oWe uP aNd tHeN aPoLOgiSe?
peAce rEigNs. 
hAd pT yTd. iT wAsnT aS bAd aS i imAgiNe.
qUiTe aLOtA rUnNiNg aNd cOMmAndO crAwL..
cOmMaNdO crAwL sUcKs.. i dUnlYk iT..
eSp dUrIn thE tYm oF tHe mTh wHr U dUn fEeL gD..
iTs sO yUCkY! bUt hI5 kAy..
i sHd bE glAd i duNhAf crAmPs lyK kAy.. =)
tHeN thE finAl bLoW wAs sUm siTuPs. bleAh~
pT rOcKs aCtLy.. nT tOo bAd cuZ wE cN gEt TirEd tOgetHeR!
wOohoO cOoL mAhs~
aNd nT tO meNtioN i hAd mUtiPleS sCrAtcHes aNd blUe blAcKs.
rEsUlTs oF dOiNg oBs eVerYdAy. hAhAs peAce~
tOoK fOToS oN tHe wAll wiTh hY kAt aNd sHer.
lOLs. kiNdA sPaStiC.
thAt plAce bcUm lYk oUr sTrEsS rElieVer lE..
wE sTrEsseD gO dEre. fReE gO dEre. sAd gO hApI gO..
gD. i'LL bE a oBs pRo sOoN. lOLz..
AnD Hw I WiSH We cAn cLiMb trEes mAn.. fUnNeR.
bUt thAt meAns breAkiNg tHe rULes?
brOke bFr. =X
AnD. gUeSs wAd..
dHs rEbAtiNg moViE tiCkeT moNeY.
a wHoLe 5 bUcKs?
wAtChiNg kiNg aUtHer oN moNdAy oR tUeS oNLi cOSts 1.50
dOtS iTs tOo gD tO bEliEf.
dHs roCks DhS rAwKs dHs rAwKs roCks rAwKs!

;__sum ppl wait a lifetym.
for a moment lyk thiss.*

itsmaiilyfee__; maiiprerogative__.

// im oways the starr. shinin on you on ur darkest nites. *
* . . + + + + + + . ciNDee . + + + + + + . . *

my pastt__.

25.01.04 .. 27.01.04 .. 28.01.04 .. 29.01.04 .. 30.01.04 .. 31.01.04 .. 01.02.04 .. 13.02.04 .. 14.02.04 .. 17.02.04 .. 18.02.04 .. 19.02.04 .. 20.02.04 .. 21.02.04 .. 24.02.04 .. 25.02.04 .. 26.02.04 .. 28.02.04 .. 04.03.04 .. 07.03.04 .. 08.03.04 .. 14.03.04 .. 19.03.04 .. 28.03.04 .. 03.04.04 .. 14.04.04 .. 17.04.04 .. 22.04.04 .. 23.04.04 .. 24.04.04 .. 26.04.04 .. 27.04.04 .. 30.04.04 .. 01.05.04 .. 02.05.04 .. 03.05.04 .. 04.05.04 .. 05.05.04 .. 07.05.04 .. 10.05.04 .. 15.05.04 .. 23.05.04 .. 30.05.04 .. 31.05.04 .. 05.06.04 .. 09.06.04 .. 14.06.04 .. 18.06.04 .. 26.06.04 .. 01.07.04 .. 04.07.04 .. 11.07.04 .. 21.07.04 .. 25.07.04 .. 07.08.04 .. 15.08.04 .. 21.08.04 .. 26.09.04 .. 03.10.04 .. 08.10.04 .. 11.10.04 .. 16.10.04 .. 23.10.04 .. 24.10.04 .. 09.11.04 .. 10.11.04 .. 11.11.04 .. 15.11.04 .. 16.11.04 .. 17.11.04 .. 18.11.04 .. 04.12.04 .. 07.12.04 .. 11.12.04 .. 27.12.04 .. oLd.bLog ..

in the game of seduction. deres onli one rule. nvr fall in love. wad u cant haf. u cant resist_____* wud you be my moon. brgin light to ppl like you brg happiness to me?_____* the shortest word for me is 1. the sweetest word for me is love. the onli one for me is youu.____*