;__im oways the starr. shinin on you on ur darkest nites. * __________________ // cindee *

the spaces btwn my fingers__;
are meant to be filled__;
by you__.

<<cindee__. >>
1b.o2 | 2b.o3 | 3i.o4
37th batch guides
P4 bougainvillea
P6 ixora
2b ohana
we [1] to [B] the best
born [2][b]eat the rest
ohana means family.
and noone gets forgotten.
nor left behind.

kisses spread harmful germs__;
but kiss me babyy__;
im vaccinated__.

<<me__. >>
purple ojo__;
soccer__; manutd__;
beckham 23__; lampard 8__;
street magic__; david blaine__;
youu and cindee forevrr__;
till end of time__;

<<blogs galore__. >>


anione cn catch ur eyes__;
but it takes sumone special to catch ur heart__.
lurv isnt abt findin the perfectt psrn__;
its abt seein an imperfect psrn__;
lurvin sumone is one thg__;
being lurved by anothr psrn is anothr thg__;
but to be lurved by the one u lurv is everythin__.
wad if everythin u experienced__;
nvr happened__.

i lurv you cause u suck__;
and attracted me to you__;
i lurv u cause i cant haf youu__.
on a nvr endin road__;
and we're miles apart__;
i'll chase__.
lurv is whn__;
you shed tears but care for him__;
he ignores you and you stil long for him__;
he begins to lurv anothr__;
but you stil smile and say__;
"im hapi for youu__.

NoTe: 2b rOcK dE wORLd! (hide)
i lurv 2b like madd.

[[. 20040314 .]]


[[ * - - 2B'o4 - - * ]] _______________________________________________________________________________

<. U n l U C k Y o L O g Y . v S . s A d o l O g Y . V s . h A P i o L O g Y . v S . c R a Z e E o l O g Y>

"SobXx~ oNe fOr aLL aNd All fOr oNe aNd eVeRYtHiNg fOr nTh.."

YoZ.. CaMPfiRe'S oVeR! sO fAsT lOr.. sObx~ i M DeAd tiReD aNd mY lEg iS sWoLLeN.. aNd hEaD hUrTs lOr! i fEll aNd hiT mY hEad.. HahahAx! dUmb LYk hEll dE. hehEx~

oH Ya! i BrEaKiNg vOicE lE! oMg~ i aM SiMPLY "vOiCelEsS" nW..

oN fRi MidNiTe iT RaiNed sO mUcH.. So wOrriEd tHaT iT'LL WaSh oFf tHe PaiNt wE HaD oN oUr BaCkdRoP lEh! BuddEn rEaCh sKoOl. iTs PUrrFeCtLY aLriTe! YaYs! tHeN wE sTaRtEd wOrKiNg oN oUr tRiPOd. diD tHe dECo aNd sTUff.. PuT thE CaNdlEs.. tHe CaNdLes lOoK sO PrEtTY lEh! tHeN tHe gRoUnd wAd DaMn bLoOdY wEt! wE HaD tO uSe bRoOmS tO sOaK bY tHe WaTeR DriP bY dRiP lEh~ So tiRiNg.. tHe wHoLe DaE oUt iN tHe sUn.. KiNDa sUnbRUnT nW.. YeA. dEn i aM UsUrEr.. sO STatiOnEd mYsElF aT YiNgmEn dErE.. OmOsT aLL tHe SkOoLs rEaChEd ThaT tYm iT sTaRtEd tO RaiN! wAddE! i WaS sO SaD tHaT i cRiEd.. tHe PaSt wK wE HaVe bEeN sTaYiNg iN sKoOl tiLL 6.30+ 7 lOr.. tHeN nW nONid tO uSe LiaO.. oMg~ oUr eFfoRtS.. oUr sTaGe.. eVeRYtHiNg sPOiLt bY ThaT sTUpiD dUmB RaiN!

HaD tO MoVe tO haLL fOR wEt wEatHeR PLaN.. CrY LyK hEll aR.. wE PrEPaRe liKe hEll fOr tHe PaSt wEeKs aNd dEn bOoM. iTs gOnE~ wE cHiOnG uP HaLL aNd PuT CaNdLeS oN tHe siDeS oF tHe PaThWaY.. iTs LiKe wE LigHt 1 thEn 1 gO oFf loR.. dO tiLL sO hEaRtbReaKiNg.. bUddEn nO MatTeR WaD cAmPfiRe sTUi haVe tO CaRRY oN.. So wE ChEeReD! mUS bRg uP tHe sPiriT! 1sT iTeM bY sEc 3s.. tHeY DaMn sEh! SoPHia eSp! oMg OmG!! vEh vEh NiCe DaNcE! tHeY aLL lOoK sO ChiO aNd cUtE oN sTagE.. tHeiR DaNcE WaS daMmiT PrO! aRgHxX! tHeN cHerrS.. tHeN tHe BaNaNa DaNcE.. nOBoDY WaNs tO gO.. sO i wEnT Up tHe sTagE.. sO FuN dE! PeeL baNanA.. tHeN iS thE FaThEr aBraHaM tHg.. haHaXx! tOTaL HaVoC SiaZ~ DancE LYk CraZeE PpL.. tHeN WaS tHe ChiCkeN DaNcE.. i wEnT uP AgN! PaRtNeR WiF xiUrU.. iTs sOooOo TiRiNg loR! tHeN tHe sJaB PpL KiP FlUnKiNg eAcH aNotHeR oFf.. lOl. sO giddY aNd tiRiNg RuNniNg aRd iN ciRClEs.. nExT iS tHe tHoUSaNd lEggEd wOrM tHgY. wE RaN aLL aRd tHe HaLL!! wUaHahAxxX! fUnnEsS aNd cRaZeEnEsS lEhX! tHeN gT tHe dReSsiNg uP.. NaTeLiE WaS oUr mOdEl.. hehEx. tHeN sJaB PpL dReSs tHaT gUY uNtiL DaMn FaRni.. gT 1 biG blACk bRa dE.. tHe sCoUtS cOvErEd a gUY wiF tHe PlaStiC bAg. oVeR hiS hEaD.. doTx. tHeN eVeRYoNe dE oShO DaMn FaRni.. wE stoOd uP aNd cHeErEd fOr eVeRYoNe wHeN tHeY WaLk PasT.. sO tiRiNg! i WaS gOiNg tO pENg liaO.. oH Ya! fOrgOt tO ToK bOuT nPCc sCoUTs aNd SjaB'S PeRfOrMaNcE.. nP SaNg a sOnG.. siMPle oNe.. bUd KiNda NicE.. SUiTaBlE mOoD.. tHeN sCoUtS PuT UP a FaRni rOlE PLaE. dOTx. nPCc Did jaY'S lOnGqUaN.. KiNda NiCe.. i LyK tHe LaSt PaRt aLoT~! 3 cHeErs fOr eVeRYoNe.. wE KiP ChEeRiNg aNd cHeEriNg.. MaYb tHaT xPLaiNs mY "sExY" vOiCe nW.. LoLx~ tHeN gT tHe bOm cHikA bOm! mY faV! hW cN dUn gO uP nEhXx? ChiONg uP lE! tHeN vEh FaRni.. tHE gUYs sTiCk oUt tHeiR bUtt aNd daNce.. sO dUh.. oUr CaMPfiRe RaWk hEll tYm! YaY! wOoHoO!! tHeN aFt tHaT wE lEd tHeM tO tHe CaNtEeN.. i WaS SaD wHeN i LoOk iNtO tHe fiElD. i STaYeD aT tHe BaLcOnY dErE aNd lOoK aT thE fiEld.. tHe PlaCe wHr wE uSeD tHe bRoOm tO sUcK uP tHe wAtEr dRiP bY dRiP.. nW LaY wEt aNd mUddY. SaDdeNiNg! sObxxX. tHeN aTe sUm SUpPeR.. mEt oUr oLdEr sEniOrS~ tHeN i RuN rUn aNd fEll! doTz.. i hiT mY heaD aGnsT thE fLoOr.. hOpE i dUn loSe mY mEmoRY oF diS CaMPfiRe! nOwaY!! LoLxX.. mY HeaD hURTssSs!!

jiHe tO gO baThE.. P4 sHaRiNg a rOoM wiF P3.. tHeN wE Off liGhTs tO tEll gHOsT sToRiEs! MUahAhaXx~! tHeN i CaNt SlP tHrU tHe niTe lEh! i FeLL aLsLp aT aRd 1+.. tHeN wOkE uP fOr mOrE ThaN 10 tYmS! tHeN rEaLiSeD oNLi 3 NiaX.. CaNt sLp! tHeN sTaRe hErE aNd dErE~ dUnNo wHeN tHeN SlP loR.. aNiWaE iF i rMb cOrrEcTLY.. wHn i WaKe uP aT 3.. i SaT uP tO lOoK aT thE cLoCk MaH.. tHeN thE dOoR WaS oPeN.. i nRt sUrE iF i WaS dReaMiNg oR WaD.. HaLLUCiNatiOn? PeRhaPs?!

tOdaE mOrN wEnt fOr bReaKFaSt FiRsT.. dEn StaRtEd cLeaRiNg uP. sO tOUgH MaN. uNtiE tHe mAsHeNg aT YiNgmEn Cn diE dE lEh! So diFfi tO ChAi.. cLeaR Up tHe mEsSY tUaNbU. aFt jiESaN tHe sEc 3s aNd 4s sTaRtEd DaNCiNg fOr 1 LaSt tYm.. iT WaS sTUi vEh niCe w/O mUSiC aNd eVErYtHg.. lOoKiNg aT thE fiElD i bCaMe SaD AgN aNd sTaRtEd tO cRY.. wE giViNg oUr BaCkdROP aNd fiRePiT tO sJaB i tHiNk! So SaD.. wE nVr eVEn UsE iT oUrSeLvEs.. aFt ThaT wEnt kFc wiF sUm oThEr sEc 2S.. tHeN jEsS lOsT hEr gUidE U i ThiNk.. hOpE sHE cN fiNd lOr! iF nRt sUrE tiO cOUntlEsS pUmPiNgs dE~

RaiN aR.. U SUcK! i RaThEr bE mOrE sUnbRUnT dEn lEt iT RaiN aNd aLL oUr eFfOrTs gO dOwN tHe DrAiN..

TodaE waS a CaMPfiRe daE~ StiLL fUll Of eNtHUSiaiSM No MaTtEr WaD HaPpEnS! sMiLeX*

fOr tHe daE { FiReFLieS cUm BaCk tO mE~ }
i M So BlOodY tiReD.
sO dAmN sAd aNd dEPrEsSeD! oUr BaCkdRoP aNd sTuFf!
tRYiNg tO bE SuPeR dUpEr eNtHu aT CaMPfiRe!
aNd iT wAs sOo fUn!
sO i M sTUi HaPpi!
YaYs~ =)
gUidEs RaWk.
aNiwaE LoTs oF tHgS rEaL NiCe HaPpEneD tO mE dUriNg diS CaMpfiRe!

gUidEs RaWk!

;__sum ppl wait a lifetym.
for a moment lyk thiss.*

itsmaiilyfee__; maiiprerogative__.

// im oways the starr. shinin on you on ur darkest nites. *
* . . + + + + + + . ciNDee . + + + + + + . . *

my pastt__.

25.01.04 .. 27.01.04 .. 28.01.04 .. 29.01.04 .. 30.01.04 .. 31.01.04 .. 01.02.04 .. 13.02.04 .. 14.02.04 .. 17.02.04 .. 18.02.04 .. 19.02.04 .. 20.02.04 .. 21.02.04 .. 24.02.04 .. 25.02.04 .. 26.02.04 .. 28.02.04 .. 04.03.04 .. 07.03.04 .. 08.03.04 .. 14.03.04 .. 19.03.04 .. 28.03.04 .. 03.04.04 .. 14.04.04 .. 17.04.04 .. 22.04.04 .. 23.04.04 .. 24.04.04 .. 26.04.04 .. 27.04.04 .. 30.04.04 .. 01.05.04 .. 02.05.04 .. 03.05.04 .. 04.05.04 .. 05.05.04 .. 07.05.04 .. 10.05.04 .. 15.05.04 .. 23.05.04 .. 30.05.04 .. 31.05.04 .. 05.06.04 .. 09.06.04 .. 14.06.04 .. 18.06.04 .. 26.06.04 .. 01.07.04 .. 04.07.04 .. 11.07.04 .. 21.07.04 .. 25.07.04 .. 07.08.04 .. 15.08.04 .. 21.08.04 .. 26.09.04 .. 03.10.04 .. 08.10.04 .. 11.10.04 .. 16.10.04 .. 23.10.04 .. 24.10.04 .. 09.11.04 .. 10.11.04 .. 11.11.04 .. 15.11.04 .. 16.11.04 .. 17.11.04 .. 18.11.04 .. 04.12.04 .. 07.12.04 .. 11.12.04 .. 27.12.04 .. oLd.bLog ..

in the game of seduction. deres onli one rule. nvr fall in love. wad u cant haf. u cant resist_____* wud you be my moon. brgin light to ppl like you brg happiness to me?_____* the shortest word for me is 1. the sweetest word for me is love. the onli one for me is youu.____*