[[. 20040531 .]]
[[ * - - 2B'o4 - - * ]]
"deDicAteD tO yA.."
Guys drink to forget about the girl...
Girls drink to think back about the guy...
When guys are in love, they become poor.
When girls are in love, they become pretty...
Guys can forget, but cannot forgive...
Girls can forgive, but cannot forget..
Guys care the most about the quantity of love...
Girls care the most about the quality of love..
Guys break-up when they feel love from another girl...
Girls break-up when they feel the feeling of separation from her guy...
Guys feel curiosity towards all girls...
Girls feel curiosity towards guys who are interested in her..
When guys are heartbroken, they try to forget about the girl by going out with another girl..
When girls are heartbroken, they try to find his characteristics from another guy...
Guys wish to be her first love....
Girls wish to be his last love...
TodaE waS a relAxeD daY~ PArtY tYm wiF YoU bAcK.. i MiSs yOu sO mUcH i cAnT eXplAiN..
^rEfLeCtiNg^ { cUz YoU geT Me. fRm tHe moMeNt i sAw U AloNe. aNd tHe teArS wUn sToP fLowiNg.. }
wHn yOu hOLd mY hAnD
YoU hOld mY heArT
bUt bAbY wE sTiLL dRifT AParT
wHn i sAY i lUv U i meAn iT
wHn i sAy i lUv U i MeAn iT..
;__sum ppl wait a lifetym.
for a moment lyk thiss.*
itsmaiilyfee__; maiiprerogative__.
// im oways the starr. shinin on you on ur darkest nites. *
* . . + + + + + + . ciNDee . + + + + + + . . *