;__im oways the starr. shinin on you on ur darkest nites. * __________________ // cindee *

the spaces btwn my fingers__;
are meant to be filled__;
by you__.

<<cindee__. >>
1b.o2 | 2b.o3 | 3i.o4
37th batch guides
P4 bougainvillea
P6 ixora
2b ohana
we [1] to [B] the best
born [2][b]eat the rest
ohana means family.
and noone gets forgotten.
nor left behind.

kisses spread harmful germs__;
but kiss me babyy__;
im vaccinated__.

<<me__. >>
purple ojo__;
soccer__; manutd__;
beckham 23__; lampard 8__;
street magic__; david blaine__;
youu and cindee forevrr__;
till end of time__;

<<blogs galore__. >>


anione cn catch ur eyes__;
but it takes sumone special to catch ur heart__.
lurv isnt abt findin the perfectt psrn__;
its abt seein an imperfect psrn__;
lurvin sumone is one thg__;
being lurved by anothr psrn is anothr thg__;
but to be lurved by the one u lurv is everythin__.
wad if everythin u experienced__;
nvr happened__.

i lurv you cause u suck__;
and attracted me to you__;
i lurv u cause i cant haf youu__.
on a nvr endin road__;
and we're miles apart__;
i'll chase__.
lurv is whn__;
you shed tears but care for him__;
he ignores you and you stil long for him__;
he begins to lurv anothr__;
but you stil smile and say__;
"im hapi for youu__.

NoTe: 2b rOcK dE wORLd! (hide)
i lurv 2b like madd.

[[. 20040704 .]]


[[ * - - 2B'o4 - - * ]] _______________________________________________________________________________

<. s Y f o L o g Y .>

"iTs aLL oVeR. 4 mThs oF hArD driLL."

oMg? iTs oVeR! nOmOre fOoTdriLL. i sHd bE hApi iF YoU rEfEr tO tHe eNtRiEs wHr i jUs sTaRtEd sYf trAiNing. coMplAiniNg lYk sUm biTcHy biMbO. bUt nOw. oNe dAy aFt sYf oPeNiNg cEremoNy.. i miSs fOoTdRiLL! wAd aM i goNNa dO nXt sAt wiThoUt aNi fOoTdRiLL? aRgHh~! iM gonnA sLAcKk! goDD. i wAn ThE fOoTdriLL tEsT aSAp! iM goNnA coMmAnD PpL. aNd oF coUrSe niD tO dRiLL mYsElF lArhS. hAhAx! sO eXciTeD aBt mY fOoTdrIll bAdgE! wOoOhoO!

yTd wAs greAt mAn. wE hAd oNe tYm oF rEheRsAl.. thEn wEnT bAck tO slAcCk. gUiDes nT slAcK okAy! wE wEnT tO PrActiCe fOoTdRiLL.. aNd mRs AlsAgLoFf wAnTeD tO piCk oUt tHoSe thAt cAnT driLL wEll. v loOooOooNg driLL sEsSiOn.. mY freN tOLd mE mY fAcE wAs bUrNing reD. wUaHAhAs. wE stAtioNarY driLL cHaOooOoo loNg. wAnTeD tO diEee. bUt mUs rEli pErfoRm siNce sHe wiLL piCk oUt aNioNe thAt doEsNt driLL wEll. i lOcK mY ArMs tiLL thEY crAmP loRh. loLx~ tHeN i nVr kAnnA piCk oUt. wHeEe~ x)

tHeN wEnt bAck.. jOiN nP gUrLs sQd iN cHeErs. theIr mDm oSo sUpEr cOoL siA~ bUd oUr MdMs rAwKk oSo lArh~ =D tHeN sAnG aLoT oF cHeErs. aNd dEn giRlS briDagE jOiNeD uS. aNd YoU nOe.. wHn (96 X 3)+++ [oNe sQd 96 PpL. pLUs rEsErVeS..] GURLS chEer. iTs toTAlli dEAfeNiNg. lOls. eSp wiTh gUiDeS thAt cAn ReeeLi sCreEcH! hAhAHax~ wE rAwK mAn. tHeN tHe nP gUy sQd siR wAs sO "iMPrEsSeD". ahAhas~ tHeN wE sTaRtEd plAyiNg boMbS.. ci akA nP gUyS sO bAd dEr.. nVr rEtUrN! oNLi nOe hW tO siNg "pEAce lYk A riVeR". bUt sUpEr dUpEr cArtOoN siA. thEn iTs lYk tHe gUiDeS.. giRlS briDAge.. nP.. sjAb siNg tOgEthEr. coOl tO tHe mAx loR! aNd nP oSo gT leArN:

boB bOb aLL tHe wAy
wE lYk iT hErE wE lYk iT dEre
wE fiNd oUrsElVeS a hM
a hM A hM sWeEt hM~!

bUt tHeiRs iS tHe sUpEr lOw vErsiOn aNd gUiDeS iS tHe dUpEr hiGh vErsIoN. lOlx~

tHeN sjAb gT aloT oF niCe AND sTupiD cheErs. hAhAs i lYk eM aLoT..

G fOr gUrL gUiDeS.
wE lUv giRl gUiDeS.
iF YoU wAn tO bE tHe beSt.
iF YoU wAn tO bE tHe beSt.
cUm aNd joIn sjAb.
cUm aNd joiN sjAb.

jiOiNg PpL tO jOiN sjAb hUh? bUt nICe lArhS. gT aLL tHe ccAs vErsiOnS. lOls~ i chAnGeD iT tO a 2b cHeEr.. iTs bEloW aT tHe mArqUeE tHgY. hAhAHaXx..

tHeN gT oNe sUpEr hAoxiAo! v cUtE bUt eR heRmm.

iF i aM a vAmpiRe'S dAUgHtEr.
hU wUd i mArrY..
i wUd mArrY A vAmpiRe'S sOn..
mOre tHAn AniboDy.
hE cAn sUcK. aNd i cAn sUcK.
wE cAn sUcK tOgEthEr~
iN tHe MiDdLe oF tHe niTe..
sUcKiNg oNe aNoThEr!

cOoL aiNt iT? gT aLoT oF vErsiOns.. fOr eTc:
ArCitEcT --> sCreW oNe aNoThEr
hAiRdReSsEr --> shAve oNe aNoThEr
dEntiSt --> pLuCk oNe aNoThEr
doCtoR --> oPeN oNe aNoThEr
bUtChEr --> cHoP oNe aNoThEr?! >.<
aNd mAni mAnI nICe niCe oNeS.. whiCh i cAnT rMb. lOls.. AiNt iT cUte aNiwAy?

aNd gUeSs wAd? mUahAhAhAx! i cHAngEd iT iNtO A iXorA sONg! hiAk hiAkKk~

iF i Am A iXorAiAn
hU wUd i mArrY..
i wUd mArrY A iXoraiAn..
mOre thAn aNiboDy.
i lUv hEr. aNd sHe lUv mE.
wE cAn lUv tOgeThEr..
bE tHe wiNnEr oF thE dAy.
lUviNg oNe aNoThEr!

wOoT! sO sWeEt riTeS? wHeEe~ =)

todAe gT sUm wALkAtHoN tHgy. wAlk ArD biShAn pArK.. bUt gT aLot oF tYm tO iNtErAcT. tOk aNd siNg.. ahAhaS~ tHeN Aft thAt wEnT tO mAc wiF miCh aNd elAiNe.. wE diD pRopOsAl fOr pAtRoL tEe aNd flAg liAos.. rEeLi v PrEtTy. nO kiDdiNg! i sUmtYmS sErioUslY wOndEr iF wE aRe pRo dEsigNeRs mAns! loLx~ tMr dO fiN xiAodUixiAng theN iTs dOne! iXorA sEc 2s O4' [2Nd bAtCh] rAwKk oN!! tMr gT coMbiNeD gAmEs wiTh jAsmiNe. wE goNnA rAwKk gUiDeS aNd wiN! iTs aT bUgiS. wOw sO iNtEreStiNg! lOoKiNg fOrwArD tO aLL thAt rUnNiNg aNd sTUff. yAyS~! xD

iXorAiaNs jiAyoU fOr gAmEs tMr! wE cAn dO iT! -iXorAiaNs.sHiNe-

D foR dHs. d fOr DhS. wE lUv dHs. wE lUv dHs. iF YoU wAn tO bE tHe bEsT. iF YoU wAn tO beAt tHe reSt. cUm aNd joiN 2b~

TodaE waS a fOoTdriLL daY~ goD nOMoRe fOoTdriLL? i wAn FoOtDriLL! eAsT diVisioN gUiDeS rAwK! sYf driLL PpL rAwKk!!

^rEfLeCtiNg^ { boB eVeRyoNe.. aLL sMiLeSs- }

sYf fOoTDriLL PpL rAwK aNd rULe eVerYoNe!
wE ArE tHe sEheSt__;
aNd tHe beSt! =)

;__sum ppl wait a lifetym.
for a moment lyk thiss.*

itsmaiilyfee__; maiiprerogative__.

// im oways the starr. shinin on you on ur darkest nites. *
* . . + + + + + + . ciNDee . + + + + + + . . *

my pastt__.

25.01.04 .. 27.01.04 .. 28.01.04 .. 29.01.04 .. 30.01.04 .. 31.01.04 .. 01.02.04 .. 13.02.04 .. 14.02.04 .. 17.02.04 .. 18.02.04 .. 19.02.04 .. 20.02.04 .. 21.02.04 .. 24.02.04 .. 25.02.04 .. 26.02.04 .. 28.02.04 .. 04.03.04 .. 07.03.04 .. 08.03.04 .. 14.03.04 .. 19.03.04 .. 28.03.04 .. 03.04.04 .. 14.04.04 .. 17.04.04 .. 22.04.04 .. 23.04.04 .. 24.04.04 .. 26.04.04 .. 27.04.04 .. 30.04.04 .. 01.05.04 .. 02.05.04 .. 03.05.04 .. 04.05.04 .. 05.05.04 .. 07.05.04 .. 10.05.04 .. 15.05.04 .. 23.05.04 .. 30.05.04 .. 31.05.04 .. 05.06.04 .. 09.06.04 .. 14.06.04 .. 18.06.04 .. 26.06.04 .. 01.07.04 .. 04.07.04 .. 11.07.04 .. 21.07.04 .. 25.07.04 .. 07.08.04 .. 15.08.04 .. 21.08.04 .. 26.09.04 .. 03.10.04 .. 08.10.04 .. 11.10.04 .. 16.10.04 .. 23.10.04 .. 24.10.04 .. 09.11.04 .. 10.11.04 .. 11.11.04 .. 15.11.04 .. 16.11.04 .. 17.11.04 .. 18.11.04 .. 04.12.04 .. 07.12.04 .. 11.12.04 .. 27.12.04 .. oLd.bLog ..

in the game of seduction. deres onli one rule. nvr fall in love. wad u cant haf. u cant resist_____* wud you be my moon. brgin light to ppl like you brg happiness to me?_____* the shortest word for me is 1. the sweetest word for me is love. the onli one for me is youu.____*